Necessary Story

About Us

Necessary Story

Metro Conservative Media was founded by Jovani Patterson and KJ McKenzie in 2020. 

They started out producing a series of weekly interviews hosted by KJ McKenzie and focused on local issues in Baltimore City. The interviews provided a conservative perspective and quickly garnered wide popularity and praise. 

Jovani and KJ realized the conservative voice in urban communities across the country was lacking in news, entertainment, and culture. 

They decided to create a platform to bring that voice, A Necessary Voice, to life!

“Metro Conserative Media is a necessary voice in news and entertainment. We exist to give a voice to the unheard and a platform to the marginalized.”

Jovani Patterson

Our Radio

we are always your best friend in every conditions

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Our Team

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Jovani Patterson


Kyna McKenzie


Shelly E

Executive Assistant / Host

Chadwick Frazier

Producer / Host

Stephen Hochbaum

News Director / Host

Toria White

Events Coordinator / Host

Yana Pomerants

Graphics / Host

Colleen Hoffman
